Resident Help Center (Bexley Chamblee)

What issue are you experiencing? *
Tell Us More - Noise *
Tell Us More - Account *
Tell Us More - Billing *
Tell Us More - Maintenance *
Tell Us More - Parking *
Tell Us More - Moving In *
Pay From Your Bank Account
To make a one-time bank account payment:
  1. Log into the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services and click Make Payments.
  2. Click Payment Accounts to add the account (if needed) and complete the verification process. Note: If your bank is not in the list of partnered banks, the verification process can take up to 3 days.
Go to the Make Payments screen and click Pay Now.
After Hours Noise
Call  (844) 779-8747 and follow the prompt for “maintenance emergencies and noise assistance” if you are experiencing disruptive noise when the Leasing Office is closed.

The representative taking your call will page the Community Attendant to respond.If the Community Attendant is unavailable, call your local non-emergency police department.

What is considered normal noise and what is disruptive?

  • Normal Noise: Washer/dryer, running vacuum, walking up and down stairs, closing doors and cabinets, intermittent noise (i.e. dropping something or an occasional thud), talking, limited barking.
  • Disruptive Noise: Yelling/screaming, running or stomping, excessive barking, continuous noise, loud car alarms/stereos, high volume on TV/home stereos/radios/instruments.
Noise During Regular Business Hours
Call  (844) 779-8747 to contact the Leasing Office. Someone from our team will attempt to verify the noise and speak with your neighbor.

What is considered normal noise and what is disruptive?

  • Normal Noise: Washer/dryer, running vacuum, walking up and down stairs, closing doors and cabinets, intermittent noise (i.e. dropping something or an occasional thud), talking, limited barking.
  • Disruptive Noise: Yelling/screaming, running or stomping, excessive barking, continuous noise, loud car alarms/stereos, high volume on TV/home stereos/radios/instruments.
Forgot Password
If you forgot your password to your online account, simply open the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services and click on the “Forgot password?” link.
Access My Lease
To view a copy of your lease, log into the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services and go to My Documents. If you do not see your lease under the My Documents menu, please contact the Leasing Office.
Set Up Auto-Pay
Auto-Pay is a great way to ensure that you don’t forget to pay your rent! This service automatically debits your rent and other applicable charges each month and is FREE when you use a bank account. To set up Auto-Pay, follow these instructions:

1. Download the RENTCafe Resident App or log into Online Resident Services and click Make Payments.
2. Click Payment Accounts to add your payment information.
3. To enroll into Auto-Pay, select Auto-Pay Setup. Note: If you’d like to make a one-time payment, go back to Make Payments and click Pay Now.

Never logged in before? From the app, click “Sign Up” or from the web, choose “Click here to register.” Complete a few simple steps and then you’ll be sent a verification email. Be sure to click the link in that email to complete your registration.
Pay with Credit/Debit Card
To make a one-time credit/debit card payment, log into the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services. Go to the Make Payments screen and click Pay Now.
Maintenance Requests
Routine/Non-Emergency Maintenance Requests:

Enter routine maintenance requests any time - day or night! Just login into the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services and click the Maintenance icon to enter your request. Even if you enter a request after hours, the maintenance team will see it first thing the next business day.

Requests are handled in the order they are received and will be completed between 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.

Emergency Maintenance Requests:

Call  (844) 779-8747 if you are experiencing a maintenance emergency and follow the prompts for emergency maintenance. This is a 24/7 emergency maintenance phone number and a representative will page out a Maintenance Technician to assist you.

Important: Do not enter an emergency request online or using the app as those requests are not monitored after hours.
Request Pest Control
It is very important that you request pest control service at the very first sign of pests. To do this, log into the RENTCafe Resident App or Online Resident Services. Click the Maintenance icon to enter your request.
If you’re interested in reserving a parking space:
Many of our communities offer reserved parking spaces. If you’re interested in reserving one, call, email or text the Leasing Office.
If you’re interested in reserving a garage:
Many of our communities offer reserved garages. If you’re interested in reserving one, call, email or text the Leasing Office.
Someone is in my space
If someone is parked in your reserved parking space during business hours:
Please call the Leasing Office. We will attempt to speak with the vehicle owner before towing so the owner has a chance to move the vehicle.

If someone is parked in your reserved parking space after business hours:
You can email the Leasing Office and we can address the issue the next morning, or you can contact our community’s towing company for immediate assistance. You can find the information for the towing company on signs posted within our community.
Key Pickup
Before your move-in day, please be sure to electronically sign your lease, connect your utilities, obtain renters insurance, and pay the amount due listed on your welcome letter.

On your move-in day, please come to the Leasing Office during business hours to pick up the keys to your new home. If you can’t make it during office hours, let us know and we can make arrangements that work for you.
Cannot Login
Be sure that you have completed the registration form for the Resident Portal (this is required even if you had an account through RENTCafe at a different community) found under ‘Click Here to Register’ on the Online Resident Services page.

If you have completed the step above, be sure that you have clicked the link found in the email sent to you confirming your registration.

If both of the steps above have been completed, click on the Forgot Password link and reset your password.

If you received a message that your email address was already registered, simply click on ‘Use my existing account’ and simply enter your password and you’re in!
Still Need Help?

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number
Asterisk (*) fields are required.